Pricing Mastery For Builders
Are you interested in discovering the principal factors that will take your business to the next level? At 4 Level Coach, they have developed The Sweet 16. It encompasses the 16 key things to remember and apply to your business when pricing jobs! Business is the best game we can ever play. Consider it this way:...
Navigating Builder Contracts and Legal Issues: A Guide for Michigan Builders
Discover the essential guide for Michigan builders as we dive into builder contracts and legal challenges. Learn why they matter, what they include, common legal hurdles, and how to protect your interests. Navigate your projects with confidence. As a Michigan builder, you're no stranger to the complexities of your...
Occupational Noise Exposure and How to Prevent It
As Michigan builders, you know the numerous hazards and risks of working in the construction industry. However, occupational noise exposure is an often overlooked yet significant threat to your health. Prolonged exposure to loud noises can lead to irreversible hearing damage, affecting your quality of life and overall...
Effective Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Clients
Working in the construction industry comes with its fair share of challenges, and dealing with difficult clients is undoubtedly one of them. As a Michigan builder, it is crucial to develop strong client relationships to ensure successful projects and a positive reputation. This blog will discuss some proven strategies...
A Guide For Navigating a MIOSHA Interview
Maintaining a safe and compliant construction site is paramount. The Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) is vital in ensuring workplace safety and adherence to regulations. If you face a MIOSHA interview, it's essential to be prepared and respond appropriately. In this blog, we'll provide...
Mastering Time Management: Your Path to Success
As a builder, you face many responsibilities that require efficient time management. Effective time management is crucial for ensuring success, from juggling construction projects to managing teams, suppliers, and client expectations. This blog post will explore practical strategies to help Michigan builders optimize...
Marketing Your Business
Marketing your Michigan Builders business can be challenging, especially in today's rapidly evolving online world. There are many different things to consider, from SEO to SEM to changing consumer expectations. That's why we've partnered with Angi's Leads to help you reach your marketing goals. Angi's Leads is a...
10 Reasons Why Builders and Remodelers Fail to Grow
To learn more about this topic, Michigan Builders License, and 4 Level Coach are partnering to bring you a free webinar called 10 Reasons Why Builders and Remodelers Fail to Grow, on August 22, 2023, at 2 pm. Click here to register. Success in the home building and remodeling business isn't just about being...
How To Combat Heat Stress On Construction Sites
As a Michigan builder, you know the challenges of extreme weather conditions, particularly during the hot summer months. Construction workers are at a higher risk of heat-related illnesses and injuries due to prolonged exposure to high temperatures and intense physical labor. Heat stress can not only jeopardize the...
Preventing MIOSHA Fines
Preventing MIOSHA Fines What is MIOSHA? MIOSHA is the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration, a state agency responsible for enforcing Michigan occupational safety and health standards. MIOSHA ensures employers provide their employees with a safe and healthy workplace by enforcing regulations,...
Consumer Expectations, Digital Marketing, and Angi
How Do You Meet Customer Expectations? Marketing in today’s fast-paced online world can be daunting. How do you know where to start? How do you keep up with changing consumer expectations? SEO or SEM? The questions are endless. Good thing Michigan Builders License has partnered with Angi to help answer those...
MIOSHA 2023 Take A Stand for Workplace Safety and Health
MIOSHA 2023 Take A Stand for Workplace Safety and Health Across the state on August 7-11, 2023, the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) is partnering with employers to "Take a Stand" for workplace safety and health. MIOSHA reminds all Michigan employers of their duty to protect employees...
What Happens If You Didn't Renew Your License in Time?
What Happens If You Didn't Renew Your License in Time? Renewing a professional license is a crucial responsibility for anyone in a licensed occupation. Whether you're a contractor, builder, or tradesperson, maintaining an up-to-date license is a legal requirement and a mark of professionalism and credibility....
Tips For Hiring Subcontractors & Building Trades To Prepare For The Busy Summer
Tips For Hiring Subcontractors & Building Trades To Prepare For The Busy Summer The Essential Hiring Guide Great news, it's almost summer! This does mean, however, the demand for construction projects and home renovations is about to surge. You probably already have a lot of projects scheduled, but are you ready...
Ways To Get Your Business Ready for Building Season
Are You & Your Team Prepared For The Upcoming Building Season? Being prepared for the busiest time of the year should be a top priority for your business! To help you achieve a successful season, we compiled a quick list with tips to maximize your readiness and have you ready to tackle your projects. Review Already...
5 Secret Weapons to Closing More Deals at Higher Price Points
Showing up differently is more important than ever if you want to close more deals at higher price points. As a builder or remodeler, closing deals and competing with others in the market is becoming increasingly difficult. The phone's not ringing as it used to, and contracts have become less abundant. But fear not,...
Staying Up-To-Date: Why Michigan Builders Are Required To Invest In Continuing Competency
If you're a licensed builder in Michigan, continuing competency is required to renew your license. However, you may need to learn the requirements or what's covered in these courses. In this blog post, we'll look at the 3-hour continuing competency plan offered by Michigan Builders License, a licensed Michigan...
Why Every Michigan Builder Should Know About MIOSHA
Working in construction can be high risk, with workers being prone to accidents and injuries. Following proper safety procedures and guidelines can lower these risks for yourself and those you work with. The Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) plays a critical role in ensuring the safety...
2023 Tax Savings: Section 179 Deduction for Michigan Builders
2023 Tax Savings: Section 179 Deduction for Michigan Builders As a Michigan builder, you can utilize the Section 179 tax deduction to invest in substantial equipment, machinery, and tools whenever needed. This deduction enables you to gain immediate access to new equipment, making it easier for small construction...
Understanding The License Renewal Process
Renewing your license is a necessary task for many professionals, including builders. While the process may seem tedious, we are here to assist you in making it as easy as possible. The renewal process for builders’ licenses in Michigan changed in 2020, requiring all renewals to be completed online through the state...
Why Your Reputation is Important to Get Clients
Why Your Reputation is Important for Attracting Clients in the Construction Business As a construction business owner, attracting new clients and maintaining a good reputation is crucial for success. Your reputation can make or break your business, and it is essential to understand why it matters. In this blog, we...
4 Reasons Michigan Builders Need Continuing Education
Continuing education for Michigan Builders is essential for a myriad of reasons. We're sharing our top four reasons with you so that you can stay on top of your game in Michigan this year! Staying Current One of the most important reasons for not putting off Michigan builder's license continuing education is staying...
Everything You Need to Know About Continuing Competency
What is Continuing Competency for Michigan Builders? Michigan's residential building industry faces challenges due to its short construction season. Builders need to stay on top of their continuing competency requirements to avoid any issues when the construction season begins. This article provides information on...
5 Differences Between Residential and Commercial Construction
If you're thinking of beginning or furthering your career in construction, there's an important decision to be made: residential or commercial building. Knowing the five critical differences between these two types can help ensure that you find the best fit for yourself. Put on your hard hat, and let's get...
Common Construction Site Injuries
Construction sites aren't called the "Wild West" for nothing! Workers go out daily, facing life-threatening risks to get a job done and earn an honest buck. From falling off tall buildings to getting smashed by heavy equipment or even getting electrocuted! But these dangers stop builders because hustle is in their...